Niley's History
Nick was the one who made the first move. He went up to her with a bunch of friends and introduced himself. She told him "I don't do handshakes, I do hugs." after they hugged she noticed his shirt and
blurted out "I hate your shirt". He invited her to go out with him and his friends that night. She went with her sister Brandi and after Nick and her spoke on the phone untill 4am.
Nick lived on the East coast and Miley lived in L.A but whenever Miley was in New York or Nick was in L.A they'd see eachother. Then Nick and his family moved to L.A. a few blocks away from Miley and things started to become more intense.
They would meet at 5 a.m. and say hi to each other before they would go to work. When they had some free time they would hang out at each others houses. Miley said it was an insta-crush. "It felt like the whole
After a while they started to argue normally about stupid things and for stupid reasons but after all no relationship is perfect. They decided to take a break from their relationship. They weren’t happy about
it but still they stopped the relationship for a while. During that period of time Miley wrote some pre-break-up songs such as G.N.O. (Girls Night Out), but right after she wrote “Right Here” to tell him that whenever he was going through troubles she was always there for him. They were both broken hearted and they were living strange lives. Then came The Egg Roll. Miley saw him and she knew that from then they were back together or they never broke up, they only went on a break for a total of 7 days.
Niley broke up on the 19th of December 2007. Miley wrote in her book Miles To Go that it was the worst day of her life, and no doubt it was the same for Nick. On the last day of tour Miley said in here book that she wrote about 10 pages back and front of why she loved Nick. She was angry and hurt so she wrote “7 Things”, the songs about how you really should hate someone but you can't bring yourself to do so, she didn't hate Nick, and she couldn't hate Nick, Miley knew that at some point the song was going to turn into a love song. Miley dyed her hair black and she even said it herself that she wanted to look hardcore and not beautiful, she wanted to be the complete oposite of what she was when she was with Nick. After the brake up Nick wrote “Sorry” which he tells Miley he is sorry about what he did and what happened. Niley weren’t seen anywhere together anymore, and they didn't talk or hang out through all of 2008.
Then at the end of March 2009.. NILEY RE-UNITED. Miley and Nick said it themselves that they were over the separation and that their families were extremely happy that they re-connected. Miley was in a relationship with Justin Gaston but that relationship ended on the 6th June 2009 (YES !!), the day before Miley left for Savannah to start shooting a movie called “The Last Song”.
Then on the 8th of June 2009 Nick flew to Savannah and Niley was seen Jet-skiing together, It was rumored there was a kiss, but it wasn't confirmed because the pictures and videos clear enough. After that the song “Before The Storm” was recorded which is a duet sung and written by Miley and Nick, Nick wrote the song originaly then asked Miley to record it with him so they could tell their story, Miley sat at the piano and changed some lyrics in the song, but not enough so that it was completely different. They performed it on the first concert of the Jonas Brothers world Tour in Dallas on June 20th.
Then on the 8th of June 2009 Nick flew to Savannah and Niley was seen Jet-skiing together, It was rumored there was a kiss, but it wasn't confirmed because the pictures and videos clear enough. After that the song “Before The Storm” was recorded which is a duet sung and written by Miley and Nick, Nick wrote the song originaly then asked Miley to record it with him so they could tell their story, Miley sat at the piano and changed some lyrics in the song, but not enough so that it was completely different. They performed it on the first concert of the Jonas Brothers world Tour in Dallas on June 20th.
It was seen that there was chemistry between the two on stage andtheir smiles said it all. After the performance they hugged and Miley kissed Nick on the cheek. It's obvious that Before the Storm is close to their hearts. Miley even tweeted asking the fans to vote for the song in the Teen Choice Awards and tweeted about it getting nominated "I got my Teen Choice Award nominations!!! Pleaseeee vote for me! Before the storm with Nicky got nominated!!! Ahhh" she tweeted. Before The Storm won the award for summer song. Joe Jonas almost confirmed that Nick and Miley were dating again in an interview with Larry king, saying, "No ones as famous as Miley Cyrus." When Larry asked Joe if his girlfriend was as famous as his, referring to Nick. Niley fans know that Nick and Miley are meant to be. They were a cute couple and we hope that they will be seen as a couple again someday... after all when they broke-up Miley said it herself “Maybe he'll be my best friend for the rest of my life or maybe I'll end up marrying Nick Jonas!"
All pictures from
Miles to Go - Prince Charming
Hannah Montana had only been on the air for a few months when I went to a benefit for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS foundation. I remember the exact date, June 11 2006. It was the day I met my first love. Let’s call him Prince Charming. I don’t want to use his name because this isn’t about who he is or what I meant to him. It’s about how I felt and what our relationship meant to me. Know what I mean?Continue reading after the jump…
So we were at this benefit, and I didn’t know anything about this prince, except I knew from a friend that he thought I was pretty. He came up to me with a bunch of guy friends and introduced himself. Instantly, I wanted them all to go away just to be with him. He started to shake my hand, and I said “I don’t do handshakes, I do hugs.” When he hugged me, I noticed his scratchy shirt and I blurted out: “I hate your shirt!” So that was the first thing I said to him: “I hate your shirt.”
I had an insta-crush, so what do I do? Did I act smooth? Nope! I asked him to do karaoke with me and put our names down for “I Wanna Be Like You” from the Jungle Book. It would have been a funny, silly song to do together. But when the song came on, I couldn’t find him, so I had to do it all by myself. Let’s say people were laughing at me, not with me.
Later that night, he and his friends were going out, and he invited me along. My mom said she didn’t want me out too late. I guess I had a busy day the next day. I asked her if I could go out for just a little while. She said fine. So Brandi and I ended up going to dinner with Prince Charming and his friends. I remember it took me forever to get dressed, but when I finally ran downstairs, I was wearing sweats. I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard. Believe me, they were just the right sweats.
After dinner, we talked on the phone. He asked me what my beliefs were. I said, “I’m a hard-core Christian.” He said, “Thats what we call ourselves in my family.” I thought it was a sign. We were on the phone that night until four in the morning. And just like that, I was smitten. It felt like the whole world stopped. Nothing else mattered. I know it sounds silly, but my family doesn’t set rules around love. My mammie met her husband on a Monday, and they got married on a Friday. They were together for twenty seven years. My mom doesn’t believe there’s such thing as being too young or too naive to be in love. In my family, when you fall in love, that’s it. No one called it puppy love, or made fun of me.
He really was my Prince Charming, and I knew it right away. You should have seen the sappy smile on my face when I hung up the phone that first night. I was mush. I slept holding the phone close to my cheek as if it would keep him close. From the very beginning, we were best friends. We talked all the time. He lived on the East Coast, but would fly to Los Angeles, and i’d see him when I was in New York. Then he moved to L.A, to a house, get this, a few blocks from mine, and everything got more intense and more fun. Suddenly, we were neighbors. It felt natural and so easy. He’d ask me to come over at five in the morning to say Hi before I went to work, and i’d just walk down the street.
In the beginning, we’d play basketball in my backyard, or play Nintendo at his place. His family always made yummy Italian food for dinner. I love to ride my bike, and he would walk along next to me as I rode, singing “My Girl.” But instead of “My Girl,” he’d sing “Miley, talkin’ bout Miley.” Wow! I was so in love. Do you know what i’m talking about? The kind of love where the sun could shine or not shine all day long and you wouldn’t care. The kind of love that makes you want to jump in the pool in December. The kind of love that makes you want to dance in the rain. (Who am I kidding? This is L.A. It never rains!) This was the most magical journey of my life and it was a total rush.
You would think Prince Charming would distract me from my work, but it was actually kind of the opposite. I was in love, I had a lot to say about it, and good thing, because I needed to write a whole album of songs, pronto. At this point, Prince Charming and I were almost a year, and things were mostly good. So lots of the songs on Meet Miley Cyrus were songs for him, and about him. I’d call him every night and say, “I wrote you another song!” People might wonder how I could write so many songs about one boy, but I knew I could write a bajillion songs. Actually, now that I think about it, most of the songs on that album were about Prince Charming.
Don’t get me wrong. The relationship wasn’t perfect. But I think about it a lot like the farm, and how everything is so tranquil there. Yes, there are storms, but even the storms feel natural, like part of what is meant to be. I would always let the storms carry me away. On the other hand, sometimes you would rather have endless days of blue skies.
At some point, we decided that we needed to take a break. I thought we were going to break up for good. I was so brokenhearted that I wrote “Girls Night Out” to make myself smile. But immediately afterward, I wrote “Right Here” to play for him as a way to tell him: No matter what, i’ll be there for you. No matter where we are in life. Some of the songs on the album, like “Clear,” are what I think of as “pre-breakup” songs, where i’m imagining what it would be like to break up and how much that would suck, and kind of taking on that emotion.
The Egg Roll was around the time I wrote “Girls Night Out,” meaning Prince Charming and I were on a break. We were young and living strange lives. But it just so happened he was also at the Egg Roll. The instant I saw Prince Charming, my heart did a cartwheel. (I was doing a lot of actual and metaphoric tumbling that day!) It didn’t matter how we fought, what was said, how hard it might be, or if we were taking “time.” There was no question in my heart, we were back together. Or we’d never broken up. The point was, everything was right in the world.
Prince Charming and I broke up on December 19th, 2007. The hardest day ever. My life felt like it had ground to a halt, but the rest of the world kept right on rolling. I was on tour. People were counting on me, but my heart was dizzy. I’ve always used words to connect with people, and i’ve always felt that if I just let the words flow, said what came to me, it would be from the heart and it would be understood. The day before the tour ended, I wrote ten pages, front and back, about why I loved Prince Charming. When I love someone, I love them with everything in me. But when the loves not there anymore, what do you do? Deep down I knew we weren’t being our best selves, and that was what I wanted, and I thought I deserved in a relationship. To be my best self and bring out the best in someone else.
But still, I was angry when I wrote “7 Things.” I wanted to punish him, to get back at him for hurting me. It starts with a list of what I “hate.” But i’m not a hater. My heart knew from the start that it was going to turn into a love song. Why does he get a love song? Because I don’t hate him. I won’t let myself hate anybody. That’s not the way my heart works. It’s a song about how I should hate him, but I don’t, and I don’t know why. It’s a song about forgiving, not forgetting. Here’s what I feel: It’d hard to imagine that our love is a story with an end. But you know, at least i’m getting some good songs out of it.
The last time I saw Prince Charming, we hugged. I closed my eyes for a moment. It was a strange hug, but I did not want to let go. In that moment, I wanted to imagine that it was two years ago, and things were the way they used to be.
(Cyrus, Prince Charming, Miles to Go)
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